January 09, 2021

These puddings are very easy to make and only with 4 simple and affordable ingredients, which will delight those who love oranges

orange pudding decorated with shredded coconut on a small plate and several others still unmolded

I learned about this recipe through a video, and I kept with the idea that when the citrus season came, I would have to try it. I made only two changes to this which were reducing the amount of sugar and added some zest because I wanted a more intense orange flavor. 

The amounts shown serve as a base and yield 4 small puddings, so all you need is to calculate the equivalences for the quantity of orange juice you want to use.

The ingredients

  • Oranges - in the original recipe and other similar ones, only orange juice is used, and no zest is added. I also tried it without the orange zest and the puddings are equally tasty, but the presence of a bit of zest makes the difference (I say a bit because the amounts of the remaining ingredients are not much and then the flavor would be too intense).
  • Sugar - the amount needed will depend on the orange's natural sweetness and your own personal taste. Do not give in to temptation to add too much sugar if the juice is too acidic, as it improves a little but never completely neutralizes the acidity.
  • Cornstarch - is the agent that will give consistency to the pudding, cooked in orange juice.
  • Shredded coconut - this ingredient won't only improve these puddings presentation, but also in terms of flavor as it has a natural sweetness that complements that of the orange.

How to make

  • After washing the orange peel thoroughly, remove a little zest from one of them (about 1 coffee spoon).
  • Then, squeeze the juice from the oranges and measure it (generally, 1 medium orange will yield about 100ml of juice), and calculate the necessary quantities according to the basic recipe described above.
  • If you don't have the exact amount of juice, add a bit of water.
  • In a not too large pot or saucepan, place the orange juice and zest together with the sugar and cornstarch.
  • Stir well with a whisk until the cornstarch and sugar are well dissolved.
  • Bring to low heat, and stirring constantly, letting it thicken.
  • Divide the cream into bowls or molds (I used 4 small cupcake molds), but you can also choose to pour it into a larger mold to serve as a single pudding.
  • Place them in the fridge for at least 2 hours (I left them overnight).
  • Put some shredded coconut on a plate.
  • Remove them from the molds and pass one by one through the shredded coconut, and serve.

orange juice pudding partially spooned on a plate

 Orange juice and coconut puddings recipe



200ml of orange juice (approx. 2 oranges)
1 spoon (coffee) of orange zest (optional)
1 to 2 tablespoons of sugar
25 gr of cornstarch
Shredded coconut (for sprinkling)

  1. Scrape a little orange zest, and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Place the juice in a saucepan and add the zest, sugar, and cornstarch.
  3. Bring to the heat, stirring constantly until it thickens.
  4. Divide the cream into bowls or molds.
  5. Refrigerate for about 2 hours.
  6. After well solidified, remove from molds and pass through shredded coconut.



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